Meet the Journalism Staff*
Mr. Tim Ericksen, Advisor
Want to see some of the silly things we do in class? >Read more to see!
We are the seven people that make up your very own BCHS Journalism staff. We are a diverse group of people who work together to create the news you read. Everyday is a new experience with each other. We work together to get the news, facts, and the juicy stories for YOU! School and public news is always interesting to read and is always filled with surprises. Keep updated with us on our website because you never know what you'll read.
*The BC Times is the independent voice of the students of Buhach Colony High School and is produced by the students in the Journalism class. Letters to the editor are welcome and will be added. They must included your name, email, and be free of libel. The BC Times reserves the right to edit for accuracy, spelling, and grammar. Additional articles, opinion pieces, and features may also be submitted and will be printed as space allows.The BC Times reserves the right to edit any submitted material for brevity and style.