Students Recognized for School Pride
Haley Locken
March 16, 2016
Once every semester, Buhach staff and teachers nominate one or more students that they think should be recognized by receiving a P.R.I.D.E award. This gives students an incentive to strive to do better in school and is also an opportunity for staff members to get closer with students. Associate Principal Anelle Kelly said, “We have a barbeque in the quad the day of the award ceremony to get the teachers to mingle more with the students.”
When nominating a student, the staff has to make sure that the student falls into one or more areas of the criteria. To be nominated by a staff member, the student must have a grade point average of at least 3.5 or their actions have displayed positive behaviour using BCHS P.R.I.D.E posture or character pillars. If the student is consistently involved in school spirit, the student takes on roles that demonstrate leadership to their peers, and any other school involvement like school clubs and community service they can also be nominated.
After the staff and student barbeque, an actual award ceremony takes place later that same day. At this ceremony, food was served like desserts and drinks and time was given for everyone to mingle. Once everyone arrived, all the staff line up on stage and they begin to call out the names of the people that got an award. When a student hears their name they walk onto the stage, accept the award, shake all the staff members hands, and then return to their seats.
When a staff member nominates someone, they are letting that student know how great they’re doing and make them feel appreciated. When the student is receiving the award, they also get to hear all the great things that were said about them by the staff member that nominated them, making the overall experience that much more gratifying.
Senior Kaley Lopez loves the P.R.I.D.E awards. Lopez believes that they are a great thing to have and they make the students feel great. “The P.R.I.D.E awards show appreciation towards students like myself and what they do for the school and I think that is just incredible. People aren’t shown appreciation for all that they do all that often, so the P.R.I.D.E awards are very uplifting.”
Some people don’t realize why they would even get nominated. They don’t realize that what they’re doing is affecting so many people, so it comes as a surprise to some people when they get nominated. Senior Kimberly Anaya is a prime example. “I love our school so much and I try to show how much I love it,and I’m always happy a lot, so I feel like people have noticed that.” Once you get appreciated for something great that you do, you start to notice things yourself.
When nominating a student, the staff has to make sure that the student falls into one or more areas of the criteria. To be nominated by a staff member, the student must have a grade point average of at least 3.5 or their actions have displayed positive behaviour using BCHS P.R.I.D.E posture or character pillars. If the student is consistently involved in school spirit, the student takes on roles that demonstrate leadership to their peers, and any other school involvement like school clubs and community service they can also be nominated.
After the staff and student barbeque, an actual award ceremony takes place later that same day. At this ceremony, food was served like desserts and drinks and time was given for everyone to mingle. Once everyone arrived, all the staff line up on stage and they begin to call out the names of the people that got an award. When a student hears their name they walk onto the stage, accept the award, shake all the staff members hands, and then return to their seats.
When a staff member nominates someone, they are letting that student know how great they’re doing and make them feel appreciated. When the student is receiving the award, they also get to hear all the great things that were said about them by the staff member that nominated them, making the overall experience that much more gratifying.
Senior Kaley Lopez loves the P.R.I.D.E awards. Lopez believes that they are a great thing to have and they make the students feel great. “The P.R.I.D.E awards show appreciation towards students like myself and what they do for the school and I think that is just incredible. People aren’t shown appreciation for all that they do all that often, so the P.R.I.D.E awards are very uplifting.”
Some people don’t realize why they would even get nominated. They don’t realize that what they’re doing is affecting so many people, so it comes as a surprise to some people when they get nominated. Senior Kimberly Anaya is a prime example. “I love our school so much and I try to show how much I love it,and I’m always happy a lot, so I feel like people have noticed that.” Once you get appreciated for something great that you do, you start to notice things yourself.